Lawrence E. Yoseph - Fl Whiple writes: "Really we owe a great debt to the Muslims.

بسم الله الحمد لله 🕋 Subhanallah: Americana writes: "Had the Muslims stopped performing the thawaf or prayer on earth, it would have stopped the rotation of our earth, because the rotation of the super-conductor centered on the Black Stone, no longer disseminates electromagnetic waves. According to the results of research from 15 universities shows Hajar Aswad is a meteorite rock that has a very high metal content, which is 23,000 times that of steel. Some of the astronauts who were in the sky saw a very bright light emanating from the earth and after being investigated it came from the Temple or the Ka'ba. The super conductor is the Black Stone, which functions like a microphone that is broadcasting and its distance reaches thousands of miles of its broadcast range. Prof Lawrence E. Yoseph - Fl Whiple writes: "Really we owe a great debt to the Muslims, because thawaf and prayer in time keep the superconductor. "Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laa Illaha illallah, Allahu Akbar. How shivering our hearts see the enormity of thawaf movement of hajj and umroh.🕋👐🏽 "Subhanallah". 👳🏽♻


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Lawrence E. Yoseph - Fl Whipe schreibt: "Wir sind wirklich den Muslimen sehr schuldig.